January 30, 2015

Englishing Me.

Hullo!!! I am writing right now to tell the world how frustrated I am with my grammar and all those English shit. I was decently fluent in English, I don't  know what happened. The feck. I better start practicing again. Sigh. I can do this. Fighting!

PS:  Love, Rosie made me cry dozens of times tonight. 😭

January 19, 2015

Ayala Triangle.

On the eve of December 25, my family and I decided to watch the lights and sounds show at the Ayala Triangle. We were able to go there at around 9. While waiting for the next show, my sister suggested to grab some ice cream, so we did...and we ended up missing  the last show for that day. 

We went back yesterday, a little earlier this time. Hahaha here are some of my photos and (hopefully working) gifs.

Mommy's GIF

Selfie GIF

Start of the show.

I hope the gifs work and i hope they don't look crappy here.Enjoy!