May 17, 2012

V-LOUNGE massage

RATING: 3.75/5
COMMENT: Typical spa place but they weren't concerned enough and the massage wasn't as relaxing as I want it to be. waaah waaah waaah. It is cheap though. 320php for a VLOUNGE massage. 

(c) Jo Villanueva

Goodbye old childish room.

1. Dresser 

2. Gingy and my oval-shaped mirror

3. uhhhh

4. My bed

5. the tree and my bedside table

6. my book-shoe shelf

7. my stuff toys

8. my painting

9. my cabinet

10. my bag junior and my candy magazines

11. things on my dresser/vanity place

12. My collection of perfume bottles

13. feeling Picasso (painting on the wall)

14. I will miss my old bed, 'cause i got a new one

15. visitors who visited me and murdered my wall

16. freedom wall. 


(c) Jo Villanueva


What is summer without vain shots? -____-

(c) Jo Villanueva

Eating in the cab

        It has been part of my brother's weekend itinerary to pick me up at Alphaland, Magallanes, but what made this one special is that we had a detour at Yellow Cab to eat dinner! We ordered a Philadelphia meat lover's pizza (If i remember it correctly), an appetizer sampler, the one with spicy chicken, nachos and potato wedge; and Sola for drinks! 

       We talked about a lot of things, like what he did in Baguio and how i got into a fight with a chimer and how happy my mom is when her sister, Tiya Sinday, stayed in our place for three days. It was such a tummy filling experience, both in food and in exchange of stories.

       Have I expressed my love for dates with my siblings, like with my kuya? I love it when I date either of them, my sister or my brother, because they are so fun to be with. With my kuya, I can easily tell him anything because he's usually chill with issues and stuff, we also have the same level of humor since my sister is so tanda na (hahaha) and he gives amazing pieces of advice. While for my ate, she knows the right places to eat, we have the same fond for make-up and maaarte things and she is just so sisterly. I love them both! :) 
(c) Jo Villanueva

DAY - :Worst injury you got, and how you got it.

I got that when I was 7 years old (I'm not sure if i was really 7 but i think I was really stupid when I was 7). Everything was a blur, all i remember was that there was a cabinet and a table and i was swinging in between (as seen in the next picture, take note that i'm the purple girl there) 

and then what happened was i hit my head in the table.
I don't know what happened or how it happened,
but I remember that my chin (yes, the picture above is my chin)
excreting a bucket of blood (exaggerating)!

so there. hahaha 
(c) Jo Villanueva

May 16, 2012

DAY 2: Who has made the biggest impact in your life, and why?

My mom.

She was my first teacher of GMRC,
Even if she's not good in math, she was my first tutor in all of my subject.
She taught me how to pray and
told me that I should be a good girl so that i will not hurt Him. 
She told me to love those people who loves us and even those who hurt us.
She told me to be patient and kind, no matter what.
She let me do the things I want to do as long as i'm not hurting another person.
She has faith in me, even of i'm the brattiest daughter alive.

Because of her I learned to love,
be loved,
be true to myself,
let go,
be patient,
be nice,
talk less,
do more
and to
stop caring what people think.

||live life to the fullest as long as your not stepping on someone||

(c) Jo Villanueva

May 14, 2012

DAY 1: Tell about the best day of your life.

I know that this is a cliche but we all know that we have numerous best days of our lives.

For me, the best days of my life are:

when i said yes to my second boyfriend,

when i attended the party of our first debutante in our batch,

when i went out with my girls,

when i traveled with my family,   

when i finally got over my first heartbreak,

when i feel like my crush also has a crush on me,

when I eat good food,

when I laugh with my friends,

when I had a long serious talk with a friend,

when I get good grades,

when I pass that un-passable subject......

But the most-greatest-BESTEST-day of all is when
God gave me the opportunity to live in such a 
wonderful world I am in today. 

That is why,
Even if the economy is effed up,
even if there are tremors and danger around me,
even if I had my heart broken,

I still have high hopes for this world, because I'm here,
and there are a lot of us who loves this world,
and a lot of us who still wants to continue to
make a lot of best days in our lives.

I, too, hope that someday,
my kid will also have the best days of his life here on earth. 

(c) Jo Villanueva

55 day challenge

I'm bored.

and because of that, i shall also do the 55 day challenge,
an idea taken from my friend taken from another blogger.

To actually get what i'm sayin'

here is the blog of my friend:
and here is the blog where she took the idea:

because we can't simply own an idea that isn't ours.


Since this is trending on twitter:

I'm a fan of 10 Things I Hate About You,
and this is my favorite (and the most famous) line: 

Kat Stratford:
I hate the way you talk to me,
and the way you cut your hair.

I hate the way you drive my car.

I hate it when you stare.

I hate your big dumb combat boots,
and the way you read my mind.

I hate you so much it makes me sick;
it even makes me rhyme.

I hate it, I hate the way you're always right.

I hate it when you lie

I hate it when you make me laugh,
even worse when you make me cry.

I hate it when you're not around,
and the fact that you didn't call.

But mostly I hate the way I don't hate you.
Not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all.

May 13, 2012


     One of the siblings of this cake and pastry shop is dear to my heart since she is my ninang in UPAEMS (my organization in UPLB) and since we are close, It's legit to say that they're family really knows how to cook and bake. They have the hands of a magician because they can make different delicacies and turn it into a more scrumptious kind of thing. I have tasted a lot of their products and i must say that as I type this blog, my craving for their cupcakes and cookies increases. I haven't tried their cake, but my orgmates told me that their cakes are delicious as well, and by the looks of it, I think so too.

    They never skimp on ingredients and the designs are just so adorable. The designs on their cakes,cookies and cupcakes are almost always by request from the buyers, and as you can see, the characters (angry birds, domo, etc) are looks close to real ones. They are that artistic and talented. 

it's picture worthy and your tummy, happy. :) 

for more information,
checkout their page on facebook:

May 07, 2012


Under no circumstances that this is legal,
but yes, i did grabbed 4 photos of my crush from his profile.

"So, Mik de Padua, please do not judge me.
If ever you see this, just take this as a compliment." 
teeeehee -_-

I know nothing about this guy except
that he is a friend of my blocmate and his name.

He is my crush because i love the way he smiles

I  love guys who are not camera shy. 

Maybe he is, maybe he isn't,
but my gut feel tells me that he isn't.


Thank you for making  me smile without doing anything. :D