May 05, 2012

hey hey! summer vacay!

1. I bought this ice pop maker at NOVO,
a store known for its cheap products,
because summer's just so freaking hot. 

2. Fooling around in the campus.
Have you seen the penises, i meant, new posts.

3. Summer = Restaurant hunting.
I was able to try a gazillion restaurants (exaggerated, of course),
a few are, Bon Chon, Burgoo and Cels.

4.Pretend act in the chem lab.
So, this is Captain America with his mask on. 

This is Captain America with his mask off. 

and this is me trying to  look like a smart ass!


6. Also, what is summer classes without FOOD? :)

mixed anything at Chowking! SO EIW. haha 

Physci's canteen has the best carbonara, spaghetti and mac&cheese!
Here are two photos of my groupmates, Ate Joyce, Robert and Jopet
having a feast while our laboratory class is on going..
JK. that was during our class break. :)