May 17, 2012

Eating in the cab

        It has been part of my brother's weekend itinerary to pick me up at Alphaland, Magallanes, but what made this one special is that we had a detour at Yellow Cab to eat dinner! We ordered a Philadelphia meat lover's pizza (If i remember it correctly), an appetizer sampler, the one with spicy chicken, nachos and potato wedge; and Sola for drinks! 

       We talked about a lot of things, like what he did in Baguio and how i got into a fight with a chimer and how happy my mom is when her sister, Tiya Sinday, stayed in our place for three days. It was such a tummy filling experience, both in food and in exchange of stories.

       Have I expressed my love for dates with my siblings, like with my kuya? I love it when I date either of them, my sister or my brother, because they are so fun to be with. With my kuya, I can easily tell him anything because he's usually chill with issues and stuff, we also have the same level of humor since my sister is so tanda na (hahaha) and he gives amazing pieces of advice. While for my ate, she knows the right places to eat, we have the same fond for make-up and maaarte things and she is just so sisterly. I love them both! :) 
(c) Jo Villanueva