May 16, 2012

DAY 2: Who has made the biggest impact in your life, and why?

My mom.

She was my first teacher of GMRC,
Even if she's not good in math, she was my first tutor in all of my subject.
She taught me how to pray and
told me that I should be a good girl so that i will not hurt Him. 
She told me to love those people who loves us and even those who hurt us.
She told me to be patient and kind, no matter what.
She let me do the things I want to do as long as i'm not hurting another person.
She has faith in me, even of i'm the brattiest daughter alive.

Because of her I learned to love,
be loved,
be true to myself,
let go,
be patient,
be nice,
talk less,
do more
and to
stop caring what people think.

||live life to the fullest as long as your not stepping on someone||

(c) Jo Villanueva