July 06, 2014

15 things I learned from 15 people

They might have shared a thing or two,
Or maybe I just saw it through.
It might be because they are,
It might be because they aren't. 

1.       LAV: Things don’t make you happy, you make you happy.
2.       MPV: Strive for a good life.
3.       RBV: It pays to be nice.
4.       JSCM: Passion keeps you going.
5.       QGH: God is there all the time.
6.       AMR: “with all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams,
                                  it is still a beautiful world.”
7.       GN: Appreciate the small things, even a glass of cold water.
8.       JL: When life throws you a ton of lemons, make lemonade—then sell it.
9.       AGJS: Know when to stop.
10.   RAMF: “because you’re worth it.”—dapat walang dagdag-bawas.
11.   AML: Iskolar para sa bayan.
12.   KCV: Have some balls and take risks.
13.   XM: You don’t have to force a relationship if you want to love.
14.   (oᴥo): a kiss on the forehead means more than a kiss on the lips.
15.   TKV: If you want to shun the world, even just for a short while, put your earphones on.