November 15, 2015

12:25 am and i am bawling like hell. 

I am crying for the world and i'm crying because i can't do anything that can help change the world today. I can't give my sympathies to those who were affected nor can I help protect the world from the evil beings that walk here on earth; All I can do is pray, pray for them, pray for everyone.

I am in so much pain because my heart can't process how a person can kill dozens of innocent people just because. Why are they doing this? why is the world filled with so much hate and evil? most of us just wanted to live a peaceful life, so why can't they give us that? Peace?

I read in one of my friend's status:

"The teenagers who murdered the people in Paris are terrorists disguised as Syrian refugees, who were accepted by France."

How you can you kill the people who accepted you wholeheartedly into their country to help you escape death from your own country? Can you even sleep at night? what are you fighting for? Money? Power?

My heart goes to everyone who murdered innocent people in every corners of the world. It's easier and more satisfying for me to wish you guys a thousand painful deaths, but i won't. I pray that you'll turn your back on your evil ways and be one of those people who will soon make this world a better place.