November 13, 2013

what sem-break?

I really love cuppies by Sonja more than Vanilla cuppies. IDK why


Got hooked up with this game. OMG 

A not so long line for the free comics day at Fully Booked, BGC

awesome statue thing at Boni High Street. This is TWD way of saying "i'm baaack"

totally cliché


I saw this at the movies so I tried doing it myself. HAHAHA to calories and shugah!

lucky girl, that's me. 

I made some yummy mocha frappe with real whipped cream! 

Mango float made by yours truly!

I wasn't able to put enough butter on the crust. Lesson learned. 

I baked some chocolate cake! It was delish! (I think)

I had trouble with the chocolate icing because it wasn't that gooey at all. 

I also made some graham balls with  mango marshmallows! An idea from the J7 people. 

yay to calories! 

that's a slice of my cake topped with buko salad ice cream. Delish!

Sat at fully booked for a couple of minutes then suddenly I have a date!
LOLJK. A stranger and a kid. 

Canonpalooza @ UST 

I almost perfected the perfect brekky!
Sunny side up eggs (semi raw yolks, crispy whites), Crispy bacon and fluffy pancakes!
I was so happy to prepare a hearty meal for my family.
...and they didn't die!

So anyway, that's my week of sem-break. 
I cooked a lot. I went out a lot with my family and a friend.
I ate a lot, read a lot and slept a lot. 
I enjoyed my sembreak like a boss. 
