May 29, 2013

I never.

You may cry a river and things will still not go your way.

What is it that you want exactly?
Do you want everyone's' undivided attention?
Do you want everyone to trust you and only you?
how is that even possible when in fact, you feed them with nothing but lies.
You bribe them with colorful pretentious things that even they are fools to believe.
You are nothing but a fake arrogant spoiled brat and you will never have true friends unless you change you evil ways. You need to take a good look in the mirror, accept the negative things and appreciate the good things. No one is perfect.  

It's been how many years and you haven't change, not a bit.
You're possessive.
You crave attention.
You always want things your way.

sweetie, I hate to break it to you but, It won't be like that forever.
You need to grow the fuck up.
You need to start cleaning your shit.
You need to start loving yourself and stop thinking about anyone else.
stop thinking about anyone else.
stop thinking about anyone else.
stop thinking about anyone else.

Focus on the things you need to accomplish, pleasing everyone is not part of it.
Having a boyfriend is not a part of it.
Self-pitying is not a part of it.

Get out of your comfort zone and live.
really live.