May 30, 2013


1. The first two are gifts from my (2nd ex boyfriend), Carl and the third box is from my first ka-MU.
(he who must not be named)

2. The first MP3 player that I got. I won it from a contest during Candy Fair. I just can't remember which year. 

3. A page from my scrap book. (the following photos are also pages from my scrapbook)
This are the greetings from my orgmates during my 20th birthday. 

4. 20th birthday greeting from my orgmates!

5. 20th birthday greeting from my orgmates! 
Only the cool people will get it. <3

7. My first Induction ball.
Thank God , I did not let them down.

8. 20th bday greeting from my orgmates and my MP Award
9. My certificate of recognition for being inducted as a MEMBER of UPAEMS.
Induction 2010

10. (2 years after) My certificate of recognition for being inducted as PRESIDENT of UPAEMS.
Induction 2012

11. My Best Sis Award during the UPAEMS' Induction 2013.
Something I'm proud of is that I always win something every induction.
For UPAEMS' Induction 2012, I bagged two awards (1) the fashionista award and (2) The best sis award

12. SiJuan (C1) 18th birthday greeting. (Agricultural Economics Blocmates)

13. yadda yadda yadda

14. The right side page: That Intermediate paper is an origami (eyes)
the tag "i love you like woah" was from my ex when he gave me 19(fave number. bday) pieces of red roses.

15. the green one is an I'm sorry letter from Danica.
The blue one is a filler filled with classroom chats (note-passing notes) from my high school classmates.

16. A thank you card from Regine! 

17. An thank you and i'm sorry card from danica, queenie, steffi, Janine and Regine

18. a sorry letter from Jaye
19. A birthday letter from Janine, My bestfriend. (The blue one)
And an I love you card from my then bestfriend -urned boyfriend-now ex boyfriend, carl. 

20. An i'm sorry, thank you and I love you cards from Carl, Leniel, Jaye and Esther.