October 14, 2013

apology letter

Dear Mia,

I know I have been MIA, especially during your birthday. I'm really sorry. I know it was your birthday that day and I intentionally didn't greet you, I swear! I didn't greet you because I was planning to surprise you, what kind is what I didn't know & I still don't know and I know it's way past your birthday, but with cappas, late birthday surprises is the norm (or are normal), is it not? So I thought that it's okay---err--everything will be okay, but of course I can't show my face because I'd be feeling guilty. And then hell weeksss started and I began losing my time for planning, and honestly, I can't think of anything. :(

I read some of your tweets and well, natatamaan ako. Guilty naman kasi talaga ako. I'm so sorry. I effed up. I miss you so much. :( I hope I can make it up to you, but first, I must give you back your chem lect 1st exam reviewer because you'll be needing it for your finals.

again, I'm so sorry. I love you to death and i'll really do my best to make bawi.

